Mathslate Configuration Tool

Warning: This page is still a work in progress. Convenient features are yet to be added. Be sure to save your work safely and often.

Configuration of available macros

The mathematical expressions that are available to the user in the tabs in Mathslate can be configured on the system level so that mathematics appropriate to the level of material are present.

The configuration file (config.json in plugin directory) may be edited here. You may begin with what is loaded already or cut and paste your current configuration into this text area. The tabs below will be update accordingly when you move outside the box.

Drag the tools above to the place you want them or doubleclick to delete them. Drag them to a tab to move them to the corresponding panel. The text area above updates as you make changes. When you are done you can cut and paste the results back to your installation. If you do not have an expression you want available above, you can create the expression below, and click the insert button to insert it into the tab selected above.